The innovators

The Good Coffee Cartel | Independent Coffee Guide

From frozen bean shots to slot roasting to hydraulic mobile espresso machines, speciality coffee continues its relentless pursuit of perfection through innovation. Here’s what’s new in the Scottish scene – and beyond

DIY coffee roasting

How to roast coffee

You’ve kitted out your kitchen with the latest brewing gear, nailed a killer Chemex recipe and sussed out the steam wand, but are you ready to roast beans at home? We roped in a few industry insiders to find out what it takes

Wild coffee

Wild coffee | Independent Coffee Guide

Grab an Edinburgh or Glasgow city map, stick a pin in at random, and if it doesn’t land near a speciality coffee shop, consider yourself unlucky. But often overlooked is the growing crop of indies pushing quality coffee in the wilds. We spoke to three cafe owners about serving speciality in the sticks …

The road to perfection

We commissioned eagle-eyed lensman Gavin Smart to capture some of the characters behind Scotland’s buzzing coffee scene