Where to get takeaway coffee

Takeaway coffee

Want to know where you can pick up an expertly poured flat white? We’ve rounded up the speciality venues offering takeaway brews, beans and more

Sustainable Champions: Yallah Coffee

Yallah Coffee Roastery

Just who should be responsible for coffee practices being sustainable? We explore the issue with Richard Blake, founder of Cornwall’s Yallah Coffee

Coffee market crash

The market price of coffee is at an all-time low. What’s going on? Kathryn Lewis asks if speciality coffee could be the solution

Sustainable Champions: Hasbean

Dale Harris at Hasbean

In the next instalment of our Sustainable Champions series with KeepCup, we talk sourcing, recycling and consumption with World Barista Champ Dale Harris

Indy Coffee Box

Indy Coffee Box

Tour the incredible speciality coffee scene from the comfort your kitchen with the Indy Coffee Box

The ultimate uni essential


Know someone off to university this September? Forget an A-Z, the most useful gift you could give them is an Indy Coffee Guide

The future of coffee

White Star Coffee

From experimenting with processing to diversifying traditional coffee shops, meet the businesses brewing the future of Irish caffeine culture …

UK universities: a coffee buff’s guide

While it’s good to base your uni decision on teaching credentials and career opportunities, choosing a location with a solid speciality scene is of equal importance to any caffeine-savvy students

Eco game-changers

Eco game-changers

From weigh-your-own lunches to slurping beer from a KeepCup, the speciality community is getting creative in its ethical efforts

What makes a great barista?

in search of the great barista

Experience, knowledge and ability are the holy trinity, but what separates a good barista from a truly great one? We asked the pros …

Sustainable Champions: The Wildcat Cafe

The Wildcat Cafe

In the first of the Indy Coffee Guide x KeepCup Sustainable Champions series we talk to Deanna Laforet, owner of The Wildcat Cafe in Fort William, Scotland

Right here, right now

rebal alliance

Change has been the only constant in the coffee sphere since the Indy Coffee Guides were launched half a decade ago

Regions on the rise

Regions on the rise

Playing it safe with the Ethiopian single origin option? Get ready for fresh flavour notes thanks to a new batch of coffee growing regions

Fresher’s guide to tasting coffee

Freshers guide to tasting coffee

Want to swot up before your first cupping sesh? We asked Paul Meikle-Janney, coffee guru and co-founder of Dark Woods Coffee, for the basics

Green coffee

Green coffee

With ethical bean sourcing and a quality-over-quantity approach, the speciality movement is leading the way when it comes to sustainability

Beyond the beans

Illustration of Powers Whisky

With rents skyrocketing and rates heading the same way, coffee shop owners are finding creative ways to utilise their cafe space after hours

Ditching the disposables

Boston Tea Party

Boston Tea Party took a bold leap last month and introduced a blanket ban on single use cups at its 22 cafes across the South West

The barista’s little black book – Scotland

Scottish Independent Coffee Guide

Ever wondered where the pros go for a ‘spro on their day off? Or where your fave barista fell in love with filter? We got the deets from some of Scotland’s most experienced espresso slingers

DIY coffee roasting

How to roast coffee

You’ve kitted out your kitchen with the latest brewing gear, nailed a killer Chemex recipe and sussed out the steam wand, but are you ready to roast beans at home? We roped in a few industry insiders to find out what it takes

Wild coffee

Wild coffee | Independent Coffee Guide

Grab an Edinburgh or Glasgow city map, stick a pin in at random, and if it doesn’t land near a speciality coffee shop, consider yourself unlucky. But often overlooked is the growing crop of indies pushing quality coffee in the wilds. We spoke to three cafe owners about serving speciality in the sticks …

The rise of the career barista

Barista | Independent Coffee Guide

Fifteen years ago, if you said you were a barista you’d be pegged as a wig-wearing lawyer. The term ‘barista’ may no longer be confused with ‘barrister’ and being an espresso slinger has a certain hipster panache, but what’s it like being a professional shot pourer?

Tour de speciality: Ireland

Espresso | Independent Coffee Guide

Take a break from Dublin’s pub crawls, Belfast’s history trips and surf tours of the coast. It’s time to discover Ireland’s thriving speciality scene with a caffeinated voyage around the Emerald Isle

Tour de speciality: The North

Tamper Coffee | Independent Coffee Guide

With new speciality shops cropping up across the North and pioneer roasters flinging open their doors to coffee fans, there’s never been a better time for a caffeine-fuelled road trip

Bean scene

Coffee Jam | Independent Coffee Guide

From espresso fuelled basement gigs to latte art smackdowns in the back room, Scotland’s thriving underground speciality scene is gaining serious momentum